Current research interest include:
narrative medicine, shamanism and cinema, first person film-making and representation of grief, the history of tears, gender & chronic illnesses.

Ruth is a a PhD. candidate at Autónoma University of Madrid currently writing her dissertation "MENDING OBJECTS: Mourning and the self in contemporary non fiction" to be defended in 2021.
Her research observes a selection of self reflective non fiction practices as a a form of modern shamanism.
Some of her own work as filmmaker and artist employs ritualized forms of re-enactment and performative self ethnography and could be considered speculative documentary.
If interested check out MONTHLY RITUAL: relocating one's own shame, SENSORIUM, MEMENTO MORI (While I am still alive), & THIRTY SEVEN.
Ruth is a member of the Research Group Hist-Ex, recently awarded the BBVA Fundation grant for the project: "Solidarity Networks in COVID-19: Emotional Communities, Grassroots Activism and Mutual Aid" / “Redes de solidaridad en la COVID-19: comunidades emocionales, activismo de base y ayuda mutua”
HIST-EX is a group dedicated to researching the history and philosophy of experiences. The group is made up of specialists from a number of different areas including cultural history, anthropology, history of science, philosophy, history of art, literature and linguistics, sociology, medicine, psychology, psychiatry and sports sciences, as well as a number of well-known creatives from fields such as photography, documentary cinema and painting.
Hist-Ex is currently working on the cultural history of wellbeing (HUM FFI2013-46361-R), a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad). Its headquarters are the Centre for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, although some of its members come from other national and international institutions.